Last week I wrote an article called When Spring Comes. It was a week before Easter and the sun was shining and the hope of warmer weather looked to be ahead. Today is the second day of April, a day after Easter and Resurrection Sunday, and this morning there was six inches of snow on the ground. Sometimes in waiting for spring, we get more snow. I was reading a blog post last week by Lore Ferguson Wilbert (an excellent writer) titled We're Sunday People, But Sometimes We're Saturday People Too. I would highly recommend reading it. Something that struck me from this post is the idea that even though Christians are Sunday people (meaning we live in the hope of the resurrection of Jesus Christ), sometimes we're Saturday people too (meaning we don't live like Jesus rose from the dead). I did not know how to process through this idea until walking through Good Friday and Easter of 2018. I was reminded throughout the weekend that while we celebrate the resurrection happening and what it means for the lives of Christians, we're still dealing with the affects of sin and a broken world. We're Sunday people, but sometimes we're Saturday people too. This reality hit home even more so this morning. I've been looking forward to the arrival of spring, and yet the snow returned. But it didn't last long. By the afternoon the sun was shining and the snow melted, and I didn't even have to wear a coat by evening. Even with the snow, spring is still coming. It's inevitable. The seasons will change. The same goes with the spiritual. Jesus rose from the dead. He is coming back, and eternal life is ahead from Christians. Sometimes it looks like we're still living in Saturday when it's actually Sunday. But Sunday is past. Jesus rose from the dead. Spring is coming, even if the weather or the circumstances of our lives say something completely different. All we have to do is wait for spring. This post is in connection to a 31 day series called Longing For Home. If heaven is a topic that you're interested in, you can read more from the series.
March 2023
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