Over the past year I've been learning a lot about myself and the way that God has so intricately made me. One thing that I've been learning recently is that God made me with a gift for gathering and inviting. I should have known this about myself, but sometimes it takes a friend pointing out your giftings to know how you're gifted. And so I'm learning and seeing how the Lord has made me to be an inviter by nature, and I want to share and invite you to read some articles and posts that have ministered to my soul.
Harry Potter, Jesus, and Me from the Rabbit Room // Stories can point us towards a greater story. Andrew Peterson shares how Harry Potter pointed him towards Jesus. Beware (and Embrace) the Power of Story from Tim Challies // Stories and experiences have more power than we realize, and we often use stories to persuade others. Tim Challies discusses that power that stories have over our lives for good and for bad. To Rest is to Leave Unfinished from Lore Wilbert // Sometimes resting means that we cannot finish things. Sometimes resting means that we disappoint people or even disappoint ourselves, but resting is essential for our souls. Lore Wilbert shares reflections upon learning how to rest well. The Day I Was Supposed to Move from Sophie McDonald // How do we respond when God does things differently than we expect or when He changes plans or callings? Sophie McDonald shares how the Lord changed her plans, but is using them for her good. Eat Real Food from Faith Thomas // I don't know about you but I often feel surrounded by different ideas on what foods that we should or shouldn't eat, but what I keep coming back to is the idea that God made food and he said it was good and gave us everything we need in real and whole food to be nourished. Faith share's a similar sentiment: when it comes down to what to eat, eat real food. Are there particular articles that have been ministering to your soul lately?
March 2023
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