Welcome to "the good stuff" a collection of things I've discovered via the interwebs. It usually includes articles, books, movies, television shows, videos, or podcasts that I've enjoyed or found interesting. I've been storing up some articles over the past few weeks, and really wanted to share them with you.
Starting The Day On the Internet Is Damaging Your Brain // Srinivas Rao I'm sure we all know this, but it's helpful to be reminded and understand the implications of starting our days on the internet. Strategies for Self-Control in the Digital Era // Drew Dyck Pretty helpful ideas and strategies. I think we're going to see more and more how self-control with devices and social media will actual help human flourishing. When You're Sharing Jesus As an Outsider // Amy Medina I appreciate this perspective from a cross cultural missionary and how it applies to Christians living in the United States. Digital Addiction Getting You Down? Try an Analog Cure // Cal Newport You might be sensing a digital theme with this edition of "The Good Stuff", and it's because I've been thinking a lot about my digital life, and I think we all should think about it more. Cal Newport offers some great thoughts, and I plan on trying some of these things myself! The Lazy Genius Morning Routine // Kendra Adachi If you need help creating a morning routine, you might find this podcast episode helpful. I'm a fan of the Lazy Genius and appreciate her ways of simplifying things, and this episode is no different. She really helps you break down a morning routine and building habits over the long term. Interested in some more "good stuff" take a gander at previous link shares. Or have some articles to share as well? Feel free to share them in the comments below.
March 2023
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