CONFESSION 17: I often forget that the One that gave me the gift of creativity is my biggest fan and my best audience. For the past few days, I've been asking myself this question: who is my art for? And on the first day of thinking through this question, I came to the realization that my art is created for three people: myself, others, and for God. I then looked at what it's like creating art for myself and creating art for others. While thinking about both of these, I started to think about which brings me true and lasting joy. Creating things for myself (art for the sake of art) and creating things for others do bring joy, but the joy I get from creating for myself and for others is momentary; it doesn't last. Which brings me to creating for God. Every time I create with God in mind, I find so much more enjoyment in what I'm doing, whether it's making a movie or writing a story or just painting. When my main goal is just making something to glorify God or even just for God, it takes so much pressure off of me. I can just enjoy what I'm creating. This might sound kind of abstract, but I'm free from creating art that only satisfies me and I'm free from creating art that pleases other people. That leaves God, who is pleased my feeble imperfect work and efforts, because He was pleased with Christ. So who is my art ultimately for? God. Everything I do, everything I make should ultimately be for Him, even if I'm making it with personal enjoyment or with others in mind. Ultimately, God is my greatest audience. Whatever you do, in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Colossians 3:17 This post is part of a 31 day series called Confessions of a Creative Christian.
March 2023
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