For the past (almost) five months, I've been working on a yearlong group film production for my film thesis, and last Monday was our last day of shooting. If I'm honest, I never thought our wrap day would come. When my group started production close to five months ago, the idea of making a film of this scope (even though it's only 20 minutes), felt daunting. A lot of work goes into making a film, even if it isn't feature-length (90 minutes). There's a lot of people to organize, details to figure out, long days of shooting, and now we're moving into long days of editing. For our last day of shooting, we spent 10 hours in a diner, shooting 3 key scenes. Ten hours is a long time, and it gave me time in between recording the sound to think about the past few months and how I've really grown to love the people that I get to work with. It also made me think about how blessed my team has been throughout the entire process. The Lord's provided for our team financially through grants and support. He provided an awesome cast, and He made way for some pretty stress free filming days. Even though there's still a long road ahead when it comes to editing and post-production, it's been a pretty cool experience getting to work on a film of this caliber with a group of creative and talented people. So to celebrate finishing shooting, here are some stills from our last day. And finally, what I did for ten hours. Listened to and recorded amplified sounds. Sweatshirt, no make-up, and messy hair = the life of a busy film student. That's a wrap.
Now onto editing.
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March 2023
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